Coach pick up point confirmed

Greensnet Editor
Mon 02 Sep 2013, 23:06

The pick up point for the coach to Lowestoft has been confirmed as being South Mimms Services.

We regret that this is the only pick up point on this occasion, and we are very much aware that South Mimms isn't accessible by public transport and is inconvenient for a number of those supporters who would like to travel by coach. However, we would like to remind everyone that -primarily this is a players coach, and we are fortunate that Gary McCann allows us to offer seats to supporters.

All those involved in arranging coaches will be putting their heads together to try and find an alternative pick up point for future trips so that it is easier for those supporters reliant on public transport to meet the coach, and also get home again afterwards.

Should you wish to travel on the coach, please call Steve Rogers on 07748 526594 between 8am and 7pm any day this week, or email him via the website on You will be given the departure time when making your booking.