Former Staff - P

Listed in this section is an archive list of all players we currently know to have played first team football for Hendon FC, including trialists. Note that this archive is not complete as we have missing data in our records. If you believe you have information that could help us complete this archive, please contact us.

Current Squad Listing
Name Role D.o.B Time at club  
Denis Pacey Player 27/09/1928 1949/50 - 1949/50 Profile
H Pacey Player 1922/23 - 1922/23 Profile
A H Packer Player 1924/25 - 1924/25 Profile
F W Packham Player 1920/21 - 1921/22 Profile
Henry Pacquette Player 09/09/1957 1979/80 - 1980/81 Profile
A Page Player 1939/40 - 1939/40 Profile
Gil Page Player 1958/59 - 1958/59 Profile
Jack Page Player 16/12/1989 2007/08 - 2007/08 Profile
Kenny Page Player 20/10/1963 1985/86 - 1985/86 Profile
L Page Player 1941/42 - 1941/42 Profile
Sam Page Player 30/10/1987 2006/07 - 2007/08 Profile
W Page Player 1942/43 - 1942/43 Profile
F Painter Player 1936/37 - 1936/37 Profile
W Painter Player 1939/40 - 1939/40 Profile
Arthur Paisley Player 1971/72 - 1977/78 Profile
F Palmer Player 1926/27 - 1926/27 Profile
Giovanni Palmer Player 01/06/1998 2022/23 - 2024/25 Profile
John Palmer Player 1984/85 - 1985/86 Profile
Ryan Palmer Player 24/04/1991 2014/15 - 2014/15 Profile
Dusan Panic Player 07/11/1999 2018/19 - 2018/19 Profile
Corey Panter Player 19/10/2000 2019/20 - 2019/20 Profile
Christos Papakonstantinou Player 05/01/2001 2021/22 - 2021/22 Profile
Dean Papali Player 2006/07 - 2006/07 Profile
Andy Pape Assistant Manager 22/03/1962 2004/05 - 2005/06 Profile
A Parker 9999/00 to date Profile
Eric Parker Player 27/04/1927 1954/55 - 1955/56 Profile
J H "Chummy" Parker Player 01/08/1886 1912/13 - 1920/21 Profile
James Parker Player 08/02/1986 2004/05 - 2012/13 Profile
Brian Parkinson Player 1974/75 - 1974/75 Profile
Richard Parkyn Assistant Manager 1995/96 - 1996/97 Profile
Roy Parkyn Player 20/04/1968 1991/92 - 1992/93 Profile
Geoff Parr Player 1953/54 - 1953/54 Profile
A Parsons Player 1948/49 - 1948/49 Profile
Albert Parsons Player 03/11/1903 1926/27 - 1929/30 Profile
G Parsons Player 1948/49 - 1948/49 Profile
Steve Parsons Player 07/10/1957 1985/86 - 1987/88 Profile
Josh Passley Player 21/11/1994 2016/17 - 2016/17 Profile
Martin Patching Player 1996/97 - 1996/97 Profile
Charlie Patmore Player 29/05/2002 2020/21 - 2020/21 Profile
Chris Patmore Player 1966/67 - 1967/68 Profile
Ricky Pattenden Player 2006/07 - 2006/07 Profile
Ron Patterson Manager 30/10/1929 1968/69 - 1968/69 Profile
Ben Pattie Player 2015/16 - 2015/16 Profile
Eric Pattison 9999/00 to date Profile
Eric Pattison Player 1961/62 - 1961/62 Profile
Rob Pattwell Coach 2018/19 - 2019/20 Profile
Alan Paul Player 1948/49 - 1948/49 Profile
Rhys Paul Player 13/12/1993 2013/14 - 2013/14 Profile
A Payne Player 1929/30 - 1929/30 Profile
Colin Payne Coach 2004/05 - 2004/05 Profile
J Payne Player 1921/22 - 1921/22 Profile
John Payne Player 23/01/1944 1963/64 - 1964/65 Profile
Jordan Payne Player 22/01/1996 2018/19 - 2018/19 Profile
Ken Payne Manager 1980/81 - 1981/82 Profile
G Peacock Player 1944/45 - 1944/45 Profile
Michael Peacock Player 16/08/1988 2010/11 - 2012/13 Profile
Lee Pearce Player 22/11/1977 2011/12 - 2011/12 Profile
J Pearson Player 1944/45 - 1944/45 Profile
J Pearson Player 1936/37 - 1936/37 Profile
Matt Peart Player 2005/06 - 2005/06 Profile
Harold Pease Player 1924/25 - 1927/28 Profile
B A Peck Player 1931/32 - 1931/32 Profile
Leo Pedro Player 05/03/1995 2017/18 - 2017/18 Profile
Arthur Peel Player 27/02/1937 1963/64 - 1964/65 Profile
Florin Pelecaci 06/01/1980 9999/00 to date Profile
Florin Pelecaci Player 06/01/1980 2009/10 - 2009/10 Profile
J Pells Player 1910/11 - 1910/11 Profile
Henry Pennifer Player 1912/13 - 1912/13 Profile
Frank Penn Player 15/04/1927 1954/55 - 1954/55 Profile
Norman Penrhyn Player 28/01/1950 1967/68 - 1968/69 Profile
Adam Pepera Player 24/08/1988 2018/19 - 2018/19 Profile
Ken Pepplar Player 1961/62 - 1961/62 Profile
Tony Perfect Player 2005/06 - 2005/06 Profile
Chris Perifimou Player 27/11/1975 1995/96 - 1995/96 Profile
H Perrith Player 1941/42 - 1941/42 Profile
G H Perry Player 1920/21 - 1922/23 Profile
Lucas Perry Player 22/11/1996 2019/20 - 2024/25 Profile
Tom Perry Player 1954/55 - 1954/55 Profile
Alex Pessotti Player 2006/07 - 2006/07 Profile
Ian Peterside Player 1991/92 - 1991/92 Profile
A Peverell Player 1937/38 - 1937/38 Profile
Arthur Phebey Player 01/10/1924 1950/51 - 1953/54 Profile
P Pheby Player 1940/41 - 1940/41 Profile
Alan Phillips Player 18/06/1946 1971/72 - 1975/76 Profile
Baldwin Phillips 9999/00 to date Profile
Baldwin Phillips Player 1974/75 - 1974/75 Profile
E Phillips Player 1942/43 - 1943/44 Profile
Peter Phillips Player 1962/63 - 1969/70 Profile
Ross Pickett Player 10/02/1975 2000/01 - 2006/07 Profile
Bill Pidgeon Player 1937/38 - 1940/41 Profile
Ron Piesse Player 1951/52 - 1952/53 Profile
Geoff Pike Player 28/09/1956 1995/96 - 1995/96 Profile
Herbert Pike Player 1910/11 - 1913/14 Profile
Joe Pike Player 1970/71 - 1971/72 Profile
Andreas Pilides Player 04/09/1989 2009/10 - 2009/10 Profile
Richard Pingling Player 25/10/1998 2023/24 - 2023/24 Profile
A Pinkham Player 1937/38 - 1938/39 Profile
Mike Pinner Player 16/02/1934 1961/62 - 1962/63 Profile
Steve Pinnock Player 1986/87 - 1990/91 Profile
Anderson Pinto Nogueria Player 14/06/1994 2017/18 - 2017/18 Profile
Chris Piper Player 1989/90 - 1989/90 Profile
Bob Pittaway Player 1985/86 - 1985/86 Profile
Ryan Plowright Player 2018/19 - 2018/19 Profile
Dwayne Plummer Player 15/05/1978 2003/04 - 2003/04 Profile
? Pollock Player 1921/22 - 1921/22 Profile
Andy Polston Player 26/07/1970 1992/93 - 1993/94 Profile
Thomas Poltock Player 12/08/1892 1914/15 - 1919/20 Profile
E Pomfrey Player 1938/39 - 1938/39 Profile
Tautis Poniskaitis Player 2012/13 - 2012/13 Profile
David Poole Player 03/03/1952 1970/71 - 1974/75 Profile
Ray Poole Player 05/04/1942 1966/67 - 1969/70 Profile
Leslie Porrett Player 24/09/1911 1932/33 - 1932/33 Profile
Maurice Potten Player 1952/53 - 1952/53 Profile
A G Potter Player 1927/28 - 1931/32 Profile
G Powell Player 1920/21 - 1920/21 Profile
Sean Powell Player 1995/96 - 1996/97 Profile
James Power Player 1988/89 - 1989/90 Profile
C R Preece Player 1918/19 - 1918/19 Profile
F Preece Player 1913/14 - 1913/14 Profile
G H Preece Player 1934/35 - 1934/35 Profile
Eddie Presland Manager 27/03/1943 1984/85 - 1984/85 Profile
H Preston Player 1937/38 - 1937/38 Profile
R C Prestwich Player 1928/29 - 1928/29 Profile
Albert Price Player 1946/47 - 1947/48 Profile
Elved Price Player 1964/65 - 1964/65 Profile
Josh Price Player 18/09/1971 1995/96 - 1996/97 Profile
Llew Price Player 12/08/1896 1920/21 - 1920/21 Profile
Neil Price Manager 15/02/1964 1995/96 - 1996/97 Profile
Harry Pride Player 1912/13 - 1912/13 Profile
J Priest Player 1941/42 - 1941/42 Profile
Barry Prince Player 1985/86 - 1985/86 Profile
G H Prince Player 1921/22 - 1921/22 Profile
Bill Prior Player 1946/47 - 1949/50 Profile
T Prior Player 1914/15 - 1914/15 Profile
Carl Procopi Player 1994/95 - 1995/96 Profile
Emond Protain Player 17/07/1981 2007/08 - 2007/08 Profile
Fred Pudney Player 19/06/1944 1961/62 - 1972/73 Profile
Les Pulling Player 1940/41 - 1943/44 Profile
Daniel Purdue Player 30/07/2000 2017/18 - 2021/22 Profile
J Purrett Player 1946/47 - 1946/47 Profile
Lewis Putman Player 09/07/1990 2010/11 - 2010/11 Profile
Mark Pye Player 29/02/1968 1998/99 - 1998/99 Profile
Sophie Pyle Physiotherapist 2021/22 - 2022/23 Profile